America’s Public Lands Are Not For Sale
Our country’s treasured public lands and waters, including national parks and monuments, are the backbone of our nation. The new administration and anti-public lands Congressmembers have set a course for the largest public lands sell off in the country’s history. This will lock the public out of cherished outdoor spaces and decimate the $640-billion recreation economy along with millions of acres of nature that support clean air and water, wildlife habitats, and the health of our communities and climate.
Your Voice is Needed NOW.
Join us in sending a loud and clear message that these protected outdoor spaces are invaluable and that the majority of people across the political spectrum support honoring the integrity of these conservation and cultural designations - now and for future generations.
Take Action Arrow pointing right
Tell President Trump, Secretary Burgum and your elected federal representatives to keep America’s National Monuments.
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Your partnership with the Conservation Lands Foundation is the most effective action you can take to build the community power needed to keep America’s public lands in public hands.