Archaeology Southwest
A private non-profit that explores and protects heritage places while honoring their diverse values.
About Archaeology Southwest
For three decades, Archaeology Southwest has practiced a holistic, conservation-based approach to exploring the places of the past. We call this Preservation Archaeology. By exploring what makes a place special, sharing this knowledge in innovative ways, and enacting flexible site protection strategies, we foster meaningful connections to the past and respectfully safeguard its irreplaceable resources.
Recent activity
Southwest Archaeology Today for 7/14/21: Bridging Indigenous & Western science; the Gila River's uncertain future;… https://t.co/zMVJaTxeGA
Yesterday's Southwest Archaeology Today, today (sorry for the delay): Dispatches from the Preservation Archaeology… https://t.co/IBIkv6d0od
Southwest Archaeology Today for 5/5/21: BLM offers $10K reward; the importance of Quitobaquito to the Hia C-ed O'od… https://t.co/awJW9yxY31
Help shape the future of the public lands! The land takes care of us in many ways & Congress has an opportunity to… https://t.co/tIzu5Jx4XB
2021-04-19 12:00:22 -0600
Will Congress properly fund cultural resources and National Conservation lands? They will if they hear from you! J… https://t.co/MW3A6sGB2K
We’re excited to join the Local Voices for Public Lands Virtual Fly-In this week with our congressmembers… https://t.co/4Y2imHcnkT
Current Closures in the Greater Bears Ears Region https://t.co/TjG29ERdca
Oil prices have never been lower, so why is this administration fast-tracking drilling on iconic #conservationlands… https://t.co/kHWhy7yOJU
“Staff who would be directly working on federal administrative processes related to the (plan), including our triba… https://t.co/yUp14CGT1P
While you're focused on the #COVID19 national emergency, @Interior @SecBernhard is pushing to advance some of his m… https://t.co/2ftIUWf2UW
2020-03-12 18:57:47 -0600
These #publiclands ARE NOT ESSENTIAL FOR ENERGY PRODUCTION. They ARE essential to millions of Americans for local c… https://t.co/n6JWKWRNu9
The most consequential battles over America’s wild places aren’t settled yet. Congress, STOP liquidating iconic… https://t.co/4bMGcKGHGw
Please join us & #ConserveSouthwestUtah to protect Red Cliffs National Conservation Area. Add your voice during the… https://t.co/JOHWyARYWX
"How much longer are we going to persist with the idea that the path to prosperity in some of the most beautiful pl… https://t.co/Sj3nMfxgNe
Thank you! In one month, over 18,000 people commented to defend Red Cliffs--and all National Conservation Areas--ag… https://t.co/Q9JsqGnYN2
2019-12-23 07:25:03 -0700
This week marks the two year anniversary of the #Trump administration’s decision to remove protections for… https://t.co/F8rSpCavfD
2019-12-06 14:57:20 -0700