Archaeology Southwest
A private non-profit that explores and protects heritage places while honoring their diverse values.
About Archaeology Southwest
For three decades, Archaeology Southwest has practiced a holistic, conservation-based approach to exploring the places of the past. We call this Preservation Archaeology. By exploring what makes a place special, sharing this knowledge in innovative ways, and enacting flexible site protection strategies, we foster meaningful connections to the past and respectfully safeguard its irreplaceable resources.
Recent activity
.@Arch_SW is part of the Friends Grassroots Network of community orgs that advocate for and help steward those land… https://t.co/bhyXzj5Ah2
2018-05-16 20:20:12 -0600
2018-05-15 19:05:11 -0600
.@Arch_SW's @WilliamDoelle: Monument designation "presented an opportunity for the federal government to identify p… https://t.co/BMmxOeLvlz
.@SVP_vertpaleo is a co-plaintiff along with us, @utahdinebikeyah @cedarmesafriend @ConservationLF @savingplaces an… https://t.co/gwpjM95Rfs
So honored to receive this award (and to be a partner of @ConservationLF )! @WilliamDoelle accepted the award on be… https://t.co/YBhx3PcjZV
.@Arch_SW's Paul F. Reed issues statement re @SenatorTomUdall @MartinHeinrich @benraylujan letter to @SecretaryZinke https://t.co/ld1jPhZG1K
Aaron Wright of Arch_SW Receives Prestigious NEH Grant to Collaborate with Four American Indian Tribes https://t.co/t0TKS7SL82
Beyond Division: American Indians Unite to Create Bears Ears https://t.co/pCAnjYwJ1l
To comment on Bears Ears National Monument before 5/26 deadline, use this link from our friends @MonumentsForUSA : https://t.co/FrQ8lfCp0H
Robert Redford: Don't take Bears Ears away from us | The Salt Lake Tribune https://t.co/v5Yq8vTyWE via @sltrib
Archaeology Southwest Stands with the Antiquities Act #MonumentsForAll https://t.co/Jkh0vG3zpI
Op-ed: Bears Ears Tribal Commission brings a native voice to the table | The Salt Lake Tribune https://t.co/iAgIjZqKL6 via @sltrib
Southwest Groups Ask New Interior Secretary To Protect Bears Ears | Fronteras Desk https://t.co/I3FDrvmPqr
@Arch_SW is a proud member of @ConservationLF 's Friends Grassroots Network: https://t.co/9WIxNz8PAH
Tribes seek national monument for Gila River land | Cronkite News https://t.co/uk8P4pfQsz @Arch_SW @RepRaulGrijalva #greatbendofthegila
Bill Doelle: My Turn: The only way to protect Bears Ears https://t.co/UV8Su3syGX via @azcentral #ProtectBearsEarsNow