Take action to shape the future of public lands in Northern California
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has launched a land management planning process for the Northern California region. This is our opportunity to provide our input and ensure valuable and vulnerable landscapes in this region are conserved for future generations.
The agency's Arcata and Redding Field Offices manage nearly 382,000 acres of public land in Mendocino, Humboldt, Del Norte, Trinity, Siskiyou, Shasta, Butte, and Tehama Counties on behalf of the American people. All BLM lands are managed based on Resource Management Plans (RMP), which act as operating manuals for the agency and can set the stage for future decades of public land management.
Take Action: Support Balanced Public Land Management in California
The Arcata and Redding Field Offices’ current RMPs are more than 28 years old and must be revised. The BLM is calling this combined Arcata and Redding revision process the “Northwest California Integrated Resource Management Plan” or “NCIP”. In this plan, the agency is considering protecting critical wild lands like English Ridge and potential additions to the Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel and Trinity Alps Wilderness, along with recommending National Wild and Scenic River protections for segments of the Sacramento River and several tributaries and important Eel River tributaries that support threatened and endangered salmon and steelhead.
The Bureau of Land Management put together a fantastic StoryMap to help you understand what’s in the plan.
How to Comment
Public land supporters should make their voices heard during the comment period and express support for these exciting conservation proposals. You can submit your comments in two ways:
- Use our Friends Grassroots Network member CalWild's action tool, which provides a draft comment letter to personalize
- Comment directly through the Bureau of Land Management comment portal. You will need to draft your letter - please scroll down to view suggested talking points.
The deadline to comment is December 28, 2023.
Virtual Meeting
To learn more about NCIP, you can attend the upcoming virtual meeting:
● Wednesday, Dec. 13, 1 to 3 p.m. PST: Register via Zoom
The meeting will include an informational presentation and an open house format in which participants can ask specialists to discuss topics of interest. Although the agency will not be taking formal oral comments at the meeting, this is your opportunity to ask questions and refine your written comments to be submitted before the December 28 deadline.
Conservation Takes Courage
What we say matters – below are suggested talking points to help you with your comments.
In your written comments please:
- Thank the agency for a conservation forward draft plan and the wonderful work it has done caring for our local public lands, despite scarce resources, over the last 25 years, and urge them to continue this proud tradition of conservation-based management in the years ahead!
- Describe why you value local BLM lands. Consider mentioning clean water, wildlife and native plant habitat, recreation and trails (what do you enjoy doing?), wilderness, scenery, restoration the BLM has conducted, or other important values and issues.
View additional talking points here.
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Conservation Lands Foundation published this page in Latest News 2023-11-17 09:08:11 -0700