Leadership Changes at Conservation Lands Foundation

Brian Sybert
|June 10, 2022

Change is inevitable and last month, after 11 years with CLF, John Wallin, who was most recently serving as our Deputy Director, decided it was time for his next professional chapter. John was instrumental in CLF’s ability to secure protections for millions of acres and for helping to set CLF’s current team up for success. All of us at CLF are grateful for his insights, mentorship and humor and excited to see the value he will bring to his next endeavor.

This has created a new leadership chapter at CLF and we’re excited to announce that Jocelyn Torres has been promoted to the new position of Senior Conservation Director and Charlotte Overby has been promoted to Senior Field Director.

Jocelyn and Charlotte will strengthen the integration between our field, national monument campaigns, and grassroots advancement teams to achieve our aggressive and achievable goals over the next two years, while also laying the groundwork for future success at CLF and among our Friends Grassroots Network.

Jocelyn advances from the Senior Field Director position. As our Senior Conservation Director, she will focus on steering the portfolio of programs that include our National Monuments campaigns, support for the Bureau of Land Management’s conservation commitments, as well as the grants and advancement of our Friends Network.

Charlotte advances from the position of Senior Program Director, and will strengthen and mentor our growing field team while navigating the on-the-ground politics and opportunities for our many place-based campaigns.

We know that to be successful in our very ambitious conservation objectives, a Senior Conservation Director is needed to continually monitor and direct the individual pieces of work into a cohesive strategy, identify gaps, nimbly move resources, and see opportunities where we need to double down.

These changes will help us advance our mission and goals more efficiently in the short-term and, just as importantly, set up CLF and our Friends Network for future success.

The CLF is excited about this next chapter and I couldn’t be more confident in our high-performing team to deliver the conservation successes we know are possible.

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About Brian Sybert
Brian Sybert is the Executive Director of the Conservation Lands Foundation.
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