President Joe Biden has designated the Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument spanning three sites in Illinois & Mississippi heeding the call of communities and people like you across the country who advocated for preserving, protecting, and sharing their story.
Send a message today to say thank you and show your support for representing a crucial and powerful part of America’s civil rights history!
"Thank you President Biden for designating the Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument on the anniversary of Emmett Till’s birth.
This national monument ensures the life and legacy of Emmett Till and his mother, civil rights icon Mamie Till-Mobley, will never be forgotten. This national monument from Sumner, Mississippi to Chicago, Illinois will help ensure that their story is preserved, protected & shared with all for generations to come.
By utilizing your authority under the Antiquities Act to designate a national monument, you are honoring the overlooked contributions of Black women in civil rights and creating sites that provide important lessons of consciousness, healing, and justice.
Please continue to honor the stories, legacies, and voices of local communities by designating and/or expanding national monuments such as the Site of the Springfield Race Massacre in Illinois, Historic Greenwood/ Black Wall Street in Oklahoma, Molok Luyuk in California, and Great Bend of the Gila and Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon in Arizona. Thank you for your commitment to celebrating and conserving connections to the nation’s incredible public lands and waters, and for continuing to permanently protect natural, cultural and historic sites, lands of great scientific value, and ocean waters that contribute to the ongoing and often-untold stories and true history of the United States."
1259 reactions
JSJan Stautz-Hamlin signed 2023-07-31 16:16:46 -0600
TBTina Brenza signed 2023-07-31 14:43:28 -0600
STStacy Trumbull signed 2023-07-31 09:04:48 -0600
RKRaleigh Koritz signed 2023-07-30 19:45:36 -0600
LMLoree McKenna signed 2023-07-30 06:35:05 -0600
YMYvonne Marley signed 2023-07-30 02:28:19 -0600Thank President Biden – this was long over due.
GHGeorge Hanas signed 2023-07-29 17:25:47 -0600
dMd'Anne MacNeil signed 2023-07-29 15:40:00 -0600
ssstanley sayer signed 2023-07-29 12:02:56 -0600
FHFreya Harris signed 2023-07-29 07:49:15 -0600
LGLaurie Gogic signed 2023-07-29 04:32:58 -0600
MBMarty Bostic signed 2023-07-29 01:51:32 -0600
IYIris Patty Yermak signed 2023-07-29 01:45:27 -0600
Thank you******** -
PAPatricia Always signed 2023-07-28 23:48:18 -0600Wonderful choice of historical significance. Thank you.
CCCaryn Corriere signed 2023-07-28 20:49:35 -0600
VWV Robert Wallace signed 2023-07-28 17:19:23 -0600Keep up the good work!
APAndrew Philpot signed 2023-07-28 16:36:25 -0600
JBJim Barritt signed 2023-07-28 15:44:21 -0600
DCDianne Cress signed 2023-07-28 15:06:27 -0600
BABrian Abel signed 2023-07-28 12:29:00 -0600
DHDeborah Hoffmann signed 2023-07-28 09:56:17 -0600Thank you for your support in representing a crucial and powerful part of America’s civil rights history and remembering a family/community who lost so much.
DHDr. Alexander Henrich signed 2023-07-28 09:39:12 -0600
CTChris Talbot-Heindl signed 2023-07-28 08:15:25 -0600
AWAndrew Wadsworth signed 2023-07-28 07:29:43 -0600
KAKeith Allison signed 2023-07-28 07:14:39 -0600
RLRon Lopez signed 2023-07-28 06:38:08 -0600
SESean Edmison signed 2023-07-28 02:21:48 -0600Thank you for designating the three-part monument to Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley. It is crucial to our progress as a nation that we acknowledge the ugly parts of our history so that we may all learn from them and commit never to let them be repeated.
JFJennifer Fendya signed 2023-07-27 22:32:48 -0600
JRJoseph Rowe signed 2023-07-27 22:12:23 -0600
CYCharles Youtz signed 2023-07-27 21:52:18 -0600