A new sign identifies Basin and Range National Monument as part of the BLM-managed National Conservation Lands.
CLF partnered with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to help them develop a consistent visual identity for the National Conservation Lands to help this collection of protected public lands be better understood and appreciated–and therefore supported–by the American public. We hired Interbrand, a renowned marketing and branding firm to help BLM develop this new “look and feel” for the National Conservation Lands, which includes a wordmark, or logo, as well as a suite of creative elements that will be consistently applied to signage, print and digital materials. New guidelines also call for increased use of photos including people and recreation.
“These lands protect wildlife habitat, clean water and cultural sites, but with large pristine landscapes and fewer restrictions than other park systems the National Conservation Lands also protect some of the best outdoor recreation anywhere,” said Dave Welz, Conservation Lands Foundation’s Associate Director of Communications. “Better public awareness of the National Conservation Lands will lead to better protection and funding. These places are as impressive as our national parks, but offer something different. The new visual identity will help people recognize and experience them as parts of a whole–a unified collection of nationally significant lands where people can experience the West as it once was.”
BLM is implementing this new identity across the National Conservation Lands: in March 2015 the Friends Grassroots Network helped BLM put up the very first new portal sign at the Organ Mountain-Desert Peaks National Monument. As of December 2015, nearly a third of the National Conservation Lands’ monuments and NCA’s have received new signage, and the new branding has been incorporated into new brochures, web pages, interactive recreational maps and more.
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Conservation Lands Foundation published this page in Latest News 2019-11-14 18:18:52 -0700