John Cherry

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  • JC
    John Cherry signed No Highway Through Utah's Red Cliffs 2020-01-04 17:10:04 -0700
    Re: Northern Corridor

    I oppose the building of the highway (also referred to as the Northern Corridor) through the Red Cliffs National Conservation Area (RCNCA). I believe this proposed highway would severely damage the RCNCA let alone reduce the public access for recreation as well as set a dangerous precedent for National Conservation Lands elsewhere in Utah and throughout the country, Furthermore, in the Green Springs area the building would create more traffic in the community, increase the noise level and further the development of homes and eventually advance commercial activity on either side of the highway. It would damage the existing wild life in the area. I believe the environmental impact caused by the proposed highway needs further analysis especially health issues to local residents including seniors.

    I am appalled that those who live in the area around the Northern Corridor Highway were not properly notified of the December 17th scoping meeting by BLM and USFWS. As a representative and a trusted official I believe you have the responsibility to protect our environment and the conservation lands and the community.

    John S. Cherry

    1196 W. Park Avenue

    Washington, UT 84780